Episode 23: The Court of Haem - Part 5

In the aftermath of a terrible crime, our heroes examine the murder scene of Grandfather Cafaernus. Can these find the culprit before the entire Court of Haem erupts into bloody war?

Join creators Nich, Lucy, Jon and Ali for an actual play podcast with a difference, as they play and develop a brand new RPG system set in the universe of Extraversal. As the story develops, so too do the rules, as we continue to refine our sourcebook with every new episode.

Enjoying the show? Read the comic that inspired it and enter the world of Extraversal.

Play along at home by supporting Big Punch Studios on Patreon for access to all our campaign notes.

Background music and ambiences by Michael Ghelfi. Used with kind permission.

Intro music by the amazing Jono Sayner.

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